Structural and Electrical Properties of LiPO3 Glasses

Peter Hockicko, Jozef Kudelcik, Francisco Munoz, Laura Munoz Senovilla

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v13i2.1250
This paper reports on the structural and electrical properties of LiPO3 glass over a wide range of frequencies (10 Hz - 2 MHz) and temperatures (290 K -627 K). The temperature dependence of a.c. conductivity is studied at different frequencies. The d.c. conductivity is due to the hopping of lithium ions. A theoretical model and mathematical fit of conductivity measurements are used for characterization of the ionic hopping motion connected with the mobility of conducting Li+ ions. The acoustic attenuation spectroscopy can be useful technique for the study of relaxation processes in ion conducting glasses too. Raman experiments showed the rings and chains configuration at the medium range.