Magnetic Spectra Analysis of Dielectrics

Jozef Slama, Vladimir Olah, Anna Gruskova, Vladimir Jancarik, Ivan Hudec, Rastislav Dosoudil, Pavol Siroky, Martin Soka

Method of magnetic spectroscopy is used to analyze and to interpret the experimental data obtained by magneticmeasurement of the complex permeability spectra of Mg ferrite and NiZn ferritepolymers. Ferritepolymers were preparedfrom various concentration of NiZn ferrite particles as a soft magnetic fillers dispersed in PVC polymer matrix. Effect of thefiller content on the permeability spectra of NiZn ferritepolymers was examined and compared with presented sintered ferritesamples. The variations of permeability and relaxation frequency due to ferrite filler concentration in composite are presentedand discussed from point of view the magnetization processes in samples.