Smart Traffic Management Protocol Based on VANET architecture

Amilcare Francesco Santamaria, Cesare Sottile

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v12i4.1209
Nowadays one of the hottest theme in wireless environments research is the application of the newest technologies to road safety problems and traffic management exploiting the (VANET) architecture. In this work, a novel protocol that aims to achieve a better traffic management is proposed. The overal system is able to reduce traffic level inside the city exploiting inter-communication among vehicles and support infrastructures also known as (V2V) and (V2I) communications. We design a network protocol called (STMP) that takes advantages of IEEE 802.11p standard. On each road several sensors system are placed and they are responsible of monitoring. Gathered data are spread in the network exploiting ad-hoc protocol messages. The increasing knowledge about environment conditions make possible to take preventive actions. Moreover, having a realtime monitoring of the lanes it is possible to reveal roads and city blocks congestions in a shorter time. An external entity to the (VANET) is responsible to manage traffic and rearrange traffic along the lanes of the city avoiding huge traffic levels.