Increasing Robustness of Multi-homed Systems in Heterogeneous Environment

Matej Rohlik, Petr Chlumsky, Tomas Vanek

DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v12i4.1202
Nowadays, packet error rate in fixed networks can be considered as a negligible value. However, the increasing requirements for transmission speed of mobile devices, heterogeneous technology, and other high frequency sources cause interference growth within the electromagnetic spectrum. This affects the overall reliability and throughput of the network and may cause undesirable operation malfunction of application-level services. Higher speeds can be achieved by advanced modulation techniques, but at the price of lower resistance against the interference. On the other hand, error-correcting codes or higher-level protocols are utilized to correct the delivery failures. We introduce a novel method for increasing robustness of communication for multi-homed systems in heterogeneous environment. Furthermore, we propose a security measure to ensure confidentiality, integrity and availability of the transmitted data without influencing the transmission parameters. Finally, we show positive impact of the proposed method on transmission efficiency and effective throughput, especially in networks with high probability of error occurrence.