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Foreword about Associate Professor Luciano Belandria, Associate Professor at the Department of Electronic Engineering, National Experimental University of Tachira (UNET), Venezuela:

" Today, electrical machines are increasingly used, both as generators and motors in electrical industrial drives, due to their simplicity, robustness, low maintenance, higher Torque / Ampere ratio, etc. One of the limited areas until a few years ago was the application of alternating current electrical machines in drives that require speed variation, mainly due to the impossibility of obtaining sources of alternating current of variable frequencies. Today, this problem has been overcome with the application of mathematical models and power electronics, generating possibilities of obtaining three-phase sources of voltage and variable frequencies. These sources solved the frequency variation problem, but the control systems are still very complex and present some problems that power electronics bring with them: harmonics, low power factor, loss of torque, etc. These problems with the passage of time have been improved, recently they have presented and will continue to present great advances, thanks to all the researchers who fight and study this fascinating area of Electrical Engineering.
Distributed Power Generation Systems (DPGSs) based on renewable energy sources are experiencing great development worldwide. In recent years, in many countries, issues such as the conservation of natural resources, protection of the environment and sustainability, have reached great importance. An area with great environmental problems is the generation of energy and there are many efforts that must be promoted in order to articulate a more hopeful future, in this sense, one of the most significant achievements is the development of new attitudes regarding rational use of energy and policies that promote the use of renewable energies to the maximum, also called green or clean energies, such as wind, solar, hydroelectric and biomass, which reduce the emissions of gases that cause global warming.
Due to the increasing number of DPGSs connected to the utility grid, new and more stringent standards have to be investigated in regards to power quality, safe operation and protection. As a consequence, the control of DPGSs must also be improved to meet network interconnection requirements. Increasing day-to-day demand for energy can create problems for energy distributors, such as grid instability and even outages. The need to produce more energy combined with the interest in clean technologies produces an increase in the development of energy distribution systems using renewable energies. Distributed Generation (DG) emerges as an important alternative for the provision of electric power service, since it can increase the reliability and security of the supply in the short, medium and long term."


Table of Contents

Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Comparative Analysis of Lattice-based All-Pass Filter and Second Order Generalized Integrator as Orthogonal System Generator of a PLL flash_logo_35
1 - 15
Study on Dynamic Characteristics of UHVDC System under Hierarchical Infeed Mode with STATCOM flash_logo_35
16 - 27
A Hybrid Protocol for SWIPT in Cooperative Networks flash_logo_35
28 - 41
New Control Approaches for Trajectory Tracking and Motion Planning of Unmanned Tracked Robot flash_logo_35
42 - 56
Hybrid Dynamic CML with Modified Current Source (H-MDyCML): A Low-Power Dynamic MCML Style flash_logo_35
57 - 65
Elicitation of Scattering Parameters of Dual-halo Dual-dielectric Triple-material Surrounding Gate (DH-DD-TM-SG) MOSFET for Microwave Frequency Applications flash_logo_35
66 - 73
Authentication & Integration Approaches for mHealth Apps from a Usability View flash_logo_35
74 - 89

Computer Science and Information Technology

Service Action Recognition in Power Supply Business Hall with 3D-Fused ConvNet flash_logo_35
90 - 99